Ten years ago it was almost unheard of …Now it’s looking like it could even overtake Yoga as the new in-vogue mind-body practice of the day. Any guesses what I’m talking about? You got it if you said “Qigong” and “Qigong Meditation“. (It’s pronounced chee gong).
In fact, today is “World Tai Chi & Qigong Day”, and to celebrate, I thought I’d share the story of how this remarkable practice is taking off in the West.
So What Exactly Is Qigong and Qigong Meditation
Qigong, translated into English means “energy exercise”. The practice utilizes relaxed movement and special breathing exercises to normalize energy flow in the body. Many claim it helps to develop a relaxed meditative awareness, alleviates sickness and increases energy. I’ve found this to be very true in my own experience.
My first introduction to Qigong happened in my second year at Manchester University. I had suffered pretty severe emotional and physical trauma as a teenager.
When I started practicing Qigong and meditation I noticed an immediate shift in my energy level. Then, much of my old “stuff” came up and started to drop away. My story is pretty typical.
So Why Is Qigong and Qigong Meditation Taking Off Now?
In the late 1990s, the Communist Party made many forms of Qigong illegal and so any masters left China and began to teach openly in the West. That was the catalyst for the huge shift that’s going on right now in the world of exercise and fitness …
“Qigong is growing like crazy in the United States in the past few years,” said Master Chunyi Lin in the April 5th issue of the New York Times. “People want to be more proactive with their health care.”
Whereas in the past, exercise was all about increasing stamina, endurance and the having the perfect abs. Now, more and more, practitioners are focusing on stress reduction, relaxation and developing spiritual awareness.
People are beginning to understand that “fit” does not necessarily mean “healthy”. An effective exercise program supports the internal as well as the external. That’s the beauty of Qigong and Qigong Meditation.
To this day I thank the Universe I stumbled onto these skills. They were the beginning of my healing. There have been several times since then when I was able to overcome serious illness with the help of Qigong and meditation.
In my experience, Qigong is amazing for your health and it’s a truly wonderful way to approach meditation and spiritual practice.
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