Author: Nina Stark

  • What Does The Hermit Signify To You In A Tarot Card Reading?

    The Hermit Card is the tenth card in the 22 trump cards (Major Arcana) and is associated with the number 9. When drawn during a reading, it is usually a sign that the you may find yourself drawing inward during this period and need to take some time alone to perhaps take a break from…

  • Online Psychic Readings: How The Times Have Changed

    The old way of having a psychic reading has well and truly moved into a future of its own. While many people will still associate the concept with caravan psychics at the local fun-fair or having a reading along a grand seafront time has well and truly changed. It is not the case that there…

  • The Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium

    I bet you have heard many times stories about psychics and mediums that can predict the future, make a telepathic connection, and help people by connecting them with their dear ones that are not anymore in their lives. Psychics and mediums can really do that. But have you ever asked yourself if there is any…

  • Past Life Connections Readings to Heal Love and Money Blocks

    Healing Through Past Life Connection Readings If you are considering to experience an accurate psychic reading or other psychic or spiritual healing modality, it is important to keep in mind the great impact it can have on your emotional, mental, physical healing, in all areas of your life and what beneficial effect this method can…

  • How Can You Tell If A Tarot Reader Is Psychic?

    After I had had a number of readings, I started to think about how it was possible for someone to predict what would happen to me as time went by. I wondered if certain things would only happen because I had ended up believing that they would happen. If this was the case, it was…

  • Why Some Psychics Are Better Than Others

    Does it seem like the more you get to know about psychics the more muddled everything becomes? For instance, one might tell you your Aunt Bess who passed away over a couple of years ago is coming through only to discover you don’t have an Aunt Bess, although there could be one twice removed from…

  • How to Develop Your Psychic Abilities Super Fast

    Have you ever made a firm determination that you were going to learn how to develop your psychic abilities? And, did you find that after reading a few books on psychic development that you were no closer to achieving your goals? Just about everybody who cares about self-improvement will eventually make the journey to develop…

  • Are Bad Dreams a Sign From Your Higher Self?

    Do you believe in a higher aspect of yourself? If you are open to the idea that you are greater than your physical self and that there is a part of you which has a higher, wider perspective of your life then you can get an even clearer understanding of any bad dreams you may…

  • 3 Secrets About Dreams You Don’t Know

    Do you know about dreams or even the many ways in which you can use dreams to increase psychic power? Chances are you may not, few people do. In fact only a small percentage of people have taken any time to study the meaning of their dreams or what dreams can really do for their…

  • What do Dreams Mean – Using 3 Step Interpretation Technique

    What do dreams really mean? Is a common question everyone will ask at some point in time. Your dreams can leave you with a very nagging feeling when you can’t get an understanding of them, especially when they repeat themselves or turn into nightmares. Philosophers and scientist will tell you that dreams are a figment…